Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A sign of things to come?

Well, now that the recent furore has calmed over my meeting with Mr. Ahern, I feel its time to raise my head above ground again. So, enough of the bullshit. Blogging about scrambled eggs and irrelevant politicians is all very well, but it doesn't do much for my blogging credentials. Lets try be serious for awhile.

Today has been a huge day for this country. At 12.30pm today, students from across Ireland became a collective embodiment of anger and rage. They took the form of a mass protest being aimed towards likely education cuts in next month's budget. They turned out in numbers and argued their case. For that, I cannot express enough admiration.

So what's the big deal I hear you say? Didn't the pensioners and public unions do the same? Well yes they did, but today was different. Today turned violent, albeit on a limited scale and through a small group of protesters. Now I'm not condoning violence on any level here, but surely this is a signifigant development and may even be a sign of things to come.

If Ireland has entered a stage where ordinary individuals feel the need to express themselves through acts of aggression, surely that raises huge questions of our society. Obviously cracks are starting to emerge and something needs to change. The question is, what and how? Todays events are all the more reason for us to collectively start asking those questions.

Remember this is only one protest. Over the coming years there is the possability of more civil unrest. There's no doubt that subsequent budgets will be painful, with sweeping cuts across all sectors, not just education. With that being the case it' s likely that we are going to see more and more protests down the line. Today turned violent but who's to say future events wont go the same, and on a larger scale. In a sense, todays events may have been the start of something. Whether that's good or bad remains to be seen.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Statment from Jake Mullally

Firstly, to all my followers out there I must apologise for my recent lack of enthusiasm towards blogging. After the hype and excitement that surrounded my previous post I feel as though I've let you (my dedicated readers) all down. Perhaps this post will go someway towards healing the wounds I've caused!

With that out of the way, I suppose I should actually take it upon myself to blog something of interest to you all.

It has recently come to my attention, that a number of rumours have been circulating with regard to meetings between myself and certain individuals of a questionable nature. I feel it is my duty to respond to such rumours and clarify the matter. The individual in question is a Mr Bertie Ahern. I can now confirm that such a meeting took place between myself and Mr Ahern upon the eve of Thursday the 21rst of October 2010.

In the course of our meeting a handshake was exchanged between myself and Mr Ahern. I would like to emphasis the innocent nature of that handshake. I can confirm that no brown envelopes were present at any time and subsequent photographs taken throughout the exchange will attest to this .

I also understand that many readers have questioned my reasoning behind the incident and understandably so. Over the last few days I have been met with a chorus of 'How could you Jake?' and 'Have you no shame?' I now feel that my actions should be explained. You must realise the deep satisfaction I get when I know that irony has been lost on someone. In this case the irony was very much lost on Mr Ahern. If Mr Ahern had understood the deep contempt that I felt towards him in every measure of that handshake, the joke would have lost all value and signifigance. And thats exactly what it was... a joke or to put simply ... a case of two insincere fuckers shaking hands.

With this statement I hope the rumours which have been circulating throughout recent days can finally be put to bed. I also hope that any reservations held by you, towards my moral judgment have been resolved and I can finally move on from this incident. I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my side of the story.


Jake Mullally

P.S. Grandad , if your reading this I'm just wondering would you prefer a teak or mahogany frame for that autograph???

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What am I doing here???

Mhmmm thats a good question! To be honest I don't really know. For some time now I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog, and so I've decided to give it a go. I must admit that as I write this, a question mark looms over my ability to make time for such ramblings on a regular basis, but we'll have to see. Maybe thats where the challenge lies.
Seen as this is my first posting, I should probably offer my legion of followers a brief notion of who I am. I'm a nineteen year old media student living in Dublin. My life currently revolves around eating, sleeping, partying, college and working, although not necessarily in that order! Pretty stereotypical for a student you might say but hey, I'd hate to be anything other then the norm! Anyway, thats enough dreary bio for now. I think I feel another question mark looming... ..scrambled eggs or beans on toast? Decisions have never been my strongpoint!
Blog you later!