Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Statment from Jake Mullally

Firstly, to all my followers out there I must apologise for my recent lack of enthusiasm towards blogging. After the hype and excitement that surrounded my previous post I feel as though I've let you (my dedicated readers) all down. Perhaps this post will go someway towards healing the wounds I've caused!

With that out of the way, I suppose I should actually take it upon myself to blog something of interest to you all.

It has recently come to my attention, that a number of rumours have been circulating with regard to meetings between myself and certain individuals of a questionable nature. I feel it is my duty to respond to such rumours and clarify the matter. The individual in question is a Mr Bertie Ahern. I can now confirm that such a meeting took place between myself and Mr Ahern upon the eve of Thursday the 21rst of October 2010.

In the course of our meeting a handshake was exchanged between myself and Mr Ahern. I would like to emphasis the innocent nature of that handshake. I can confirm that no brown envelopes were present at any time and subsequent photographs taken throughout the exchange will attest to this .

I also understand that many readers have questioned my reasoning behind the incident and understandably so. Over the last few days I have been met with a chorus of 'How could you Jake?' and 'Have you no shame?' I now feel that my actions should be explained. You must realise the deep satisfaction I get when I know that irony has been lost on someone. In this case the irony was very much lost on Mr Ahern. If Mr Ahern had understood the deep contempt that I felt towards him in every measure of that handshake, the joke would have lost all value and signifigance. And thats exactly what it was... a joke or to put simply ... a case of two insincere fuckers shaking hands.

With this statement I hope the rumours which have been circulating throughout recent days can finally be put to bed. I also hope that any reservations held by you, towards my moral judgment have been resolved and I can finally move on from this incident. I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my side of the story.


Jake Mullally

P.S. Grandad , if your reading this I'm just wondering would you prefer a teak or mahogany frame for that autograph???

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What am I doing here???

Mhmmm thats a good question! To be honest I don't really know. For some time now I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog, and so I've decided to give it a go. I must admit that as I write this, a question mark looms over my ability to make time for such ramblings on a regular basis, but we'll have to see. Maybe thats where the challenge lies.
Seen as this is my first posting, I should probably offer my legion of followers a brief notion of who I am. I'm a nineteen year old media student living in Dublin. My life currently revolves around eating, sleeping, partying, college and working, although not necessarily in that order! Pretty stereotypical for a student you might say but hey, I'd hate to be anything other then the norm! Anyway, thats enough dreary bio for now. I think I feel another question mark looming... ..scrambled eggs or beans on toast? Decisions have never been my strongpoint!
Blog you later!